I need to build something and I have no idea how. I hope somebody can guide me to the right path or show me how to do it.
I am working with a machine, and this machine produces some output. This output is read through another program. I am reading this output through a process which I created with a process builder in a task. This output needs be processed, and multiple values on the screen must be updated . They all contain a different message, but the message is dependent on the output of the process.
(I need to read the output from a scale, which gives me the weight of the product and the current time. The weight, the current time and the price of the product need to be substracted/calculated from this and need to be displayed on screen).
I can’t use the observer pattern, because then the screen will be updated from another thread, which will trigger an error. I also can’t use updateMessage function of the task and bind a label to the message property because all the labels will have different output.
What could/should I do? Could you please set me on the right track?
You can basically structure it like this:
Thread machineReadThread = new Thread(() -> {
boolean finished = false ;
Process process = null ;
InputStream in = null ;
try {
process = new ProcessBuilder(...).start();
in = process.getInputStream();
while (! finished) {
double weight = readWeightFromStream(in);
Instant timestamp = readTimestampFromStream(in);
Platform.runLater(() -> updateUI(weight, timestamp));
finished = checkFinished();
} catch (Exception exc) {
} finally {
if (in != null) in.close();
if (process != null) process.destroy();