Below is the AJAX call that i am using to render a partial view
url: '/apps/Applications',
dataType: 'html',
contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8',
type: 'post',
data: $('#TaskList').serialize()
//data: $('#form_' + id).serialize()
//data: { appID: ID }
}).success(function (result) {
$('#OpenApplications').show().append('<div class="tab-pane active" id="subnav_' + id + '" >' + result + '</div>');
}).error(function (xhr, status) {
And my partialview has control as
@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Application.ID, new { id = "appid"})
I am getting the value of Application.ID
in the backend, but in front end the value is not binding to the control of application.ID
below is the controller code
data.TaskChanges = new TaskHistory(data.Application.ID, data.Application.InternalStatus, data.Application.Processor, data.Application.AssessorComments, data.Application.InternalNotes);
// we create if empty
if (data.OpenTasks == null)
data.OpenTasks = new Dictionary<int, string>();
// now we add if not present
if (!data.OpenTasks.ContainsKey(data.Application.ID))
data.OpenTasks.Add(data.Application.ID, data.Application.PID);
return PartialView("OpenApplications", data);
Any help?
try using below line in controller method