Environment: CentOS 6.7 as host system, OpenVZ container with CentOS 6.7 too.
Container have 2 interfaces: venet0 (, in vxbr0 of host) and eth1 (, in br1 of host)
I want to use venet0 for ssh connect and set default gateway of container to another host ( in br1 via eth1.
So, my configs:
and problem is: after apply changes by service network restart, default route reset to "dev venet0". Is it some OpenVZ magic or I missed something important?
An alternative way - run this container in LXC, but LXC isn't compatible with OpenVZ kernel (I have troubles with mount /cgroups/ -> troubles with lxc-start).
Found out a "problem".
Default route wasn't magic, it was set in /etc/sysconfig/network in options GATEWAYDEV and IPV6_DEFAULTDEV, so I replace venet0 to eth1 and everything is find.
# cat /etc/sysconfig/network