I have a jqGrid where I want all the rows to be in edit mode. Under certain conditions, however, I want a cell in that row to be readonly based on some condition of the row data, but I can't seem to get the grid to bend to my will (yet).
This is what I currently have.
$(grid).addRowData(...); // omitted for clarity
if (someCondition){
$(grid).setCell(rowid, 'col1', '', '', {editable: false});
The row is added and put into edit mode just as I want, but when it gets to the call to setCell(), it doesn't seem to affect the cell.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?
The grid was already using column formatters for other columns so I decided to go that route. I couldn't get it to not change the entire column to readonly/editable using the method described by Oleg. I also decided to store readonly state as part of the grid cell value.
{ name: 'ARNumber', width: 70, editable: false, sortable: false, formatter: 'optionalReadonlyInputCellFormatter'},
setup of my formatter/unformatter:
$.extend($.fn.fmatter, {
optionalReadonlyInputCellFormatter: formatOptionalReadonlyInputCell
$.extend($.fn.fmatter.optionalReadonlyInputCellFormatter, {
unformat: unformatOptionalReadonlyInputCell
formatter/unformatter functions:
function formatOptionalReadonlyInputCell(cellvalue, options, rowdata) {
var readonly = cellvalue === undefined;
if (readonly)
return displayARNumberInput('');
vals = cellvalue.split(",");
var cellValue = vals[0];
var readonly = !(vals[1] === undefined) || vals[1] == 1;
if (readonly) {
return displayARNumberSpan(cellValue);
else {
return displayARNumberInput(cellValue);
function unformatOptionalReadonlyInputCell(cellvalue, options, cellobject) {
var readonly = (cellvalue == "") ? "0" : "1";
if (readonly == "1") {
return cellvalue + "," + readonly;
else {
return $(cellobject).children().val() + "," + readonly;
function displayARNumberInput(value) {
var element = document.createElement("input");
element.type = "text";
element.value = value;
return element.outerHTML;
function displayARNumberSpan(value) {
var element = document.createElement("span");
element.innerText = value;
return element.outerHTML;