I've got a few thousand files in a few folders with names like so:
filename #1.mp4
filename #1.mp4
filename #5555.mp4
Is there a way to move the #number part to the beginning of the filenames in bulk, on a mac? So the result would look like:
#1 filename.mp4
#2 filename.mp4
#5555 filename.mp4
So far I've tried two pieces of software, Renamer for Mac and Namechanger for Mac. Neither have the option to do what I'm looking for.
Using rename
utility (perl based) you can do:
rename 's/^(.+)\s+(#\d+)/$2 $1/' *.mp4
If rename
is not available then use sed
for f in *.mp4; do
mv "$f" "$(sed -E 's/^(.+) +(#[0-9]+)/\2 \1/' <<< "$f")"