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ExpressionTree method to Assign MemberInitExpression to property

I am trying to use expression trees so that I can choose to map across to a DTO using entity framework in much the same way as the Include directive works on a DbSet (part of an open sorce project implementing OData).

The code below represents a test case.

Expression<Func<Bar, Bar>> mapBar = b => new Bar { BarInt = b.BarInt, BarString = b.BarString };
Expression<Func<Foo, Foo>> mapFoo = f => new Foo { FooInt = f.FooInt, B = null };

Expression<Func<Foo, Foo>> target = f => new Foo { FooInt = f.FooInt, 
    B = new Bar { 
        BarInt=f.B.BarInt, BarString = f.B.BarString 
    } };

note Foo.B was null, and has the mapBar expression inserted.

I have got as far as adding the navigation property using the following ExpressionVisitor

public class UpdateExpressionVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
    private readonly ParameterExpression _oldExpr;
    private readonly Expression _newExpr;
    public UpdateExpressionVisitor(ParameterExpression oldExpr, Expression newExpr)
        _oldExpr = oldExpr;
        _newExpr = newExpr;

    protected override MemberAssignment VisitMemberAssignment(MemberAssignment node)
        if (node.Member.Name == _oldExpr.Name)
            return node.Update(_newExpr);
        return base.VisitMemberAssignment(node);

But I cant figure out how to alter the expression new Bar { BarInt = b.BarInt,..., to become new Bar { BarInt = f.B.BarInt,...

The function will need some kind of ExpressionVisitor like so

public class MergingVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
    private readonly ParameterExpression _oldExpr;
    private readonly ParameterExpression _newProp;
    private readonly ParameterExpression _newParent;
    public MergingVisitor(ParameterExpression oldExpr, ParameterExpression newProp, ParameterExpression newParent)
        _oldExpr = oldExpr;
        _newProp = newProp;
        _newParent = newParent;

    protected override Expression VisitMember(MemberExpression node)
        if (node.Expression == _oldExpr)
            /*!!what to do here!!*/
            var ma = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(_newProp, node.Member);
            return Expression.MakeMemberAccess(_newParent, ma.Member);
        return base.VisitMember(node);

and they all need to be linked together with something like

public static Expression<Func<T, TMap>> MapNavProperty<T, TMap, U, UMap>(this Expression<Func<T, TMap>> parent, Expression<Func<U, UMap>> nav, string propName)
    //concern 1 remap name of prop in nav - not sure if I should do this first
    var parentInitVarName = parent.Parameters[0].Name;
    var parentParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), parentInitVarName);
    var propParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(U), propName);
    var mergeVisitor = new MergingVisitor(nav.Parameters[0], propParam, parentParam);
    var newNavBody = mergeVisitor.Visit(nav.Body); //as MemberExpression;

    //concern 2 replace given property
    var visitor = new UpdateExpressionVisitor(propParam, nav.Body);

    return (Expression<Func<T, TMap>>)visitor.Visit(parent);

although at present the parentParam will fail in the Expression.MakeMemberAccess function as it is of type T (Foo in the above example), rather than type U.

How can I alter the variable name and types in the child property's lamda expression - thank you.


The answers from Svick and Ivan Stoev are erudite in explanation and both work perfectly - the (passing) unit tests and code from both answers are up on GitHub here. Thank you so much to both of you - it is a shame I cannot tick 2 answers, so it comes down to Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.


  • var parentParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), parentInitVarName);

    This won't work, parameters in expressions are not identified by name, but by reference. What you need to do is just get the parent's parameter.

    var propParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(U), propName);

    This doesn't make any sense to me. propName is the name of a property, so you need to use it to create member access expression, not parameter expression.

    public MergingVisitor(ParameterExpression oldExpr, ParameterExpression newProp, ParameterExpression newParent)

    What you need is to replace one expression (b) with another (f.B). For that, I would create:

    public class ReplaceVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
        private readonly Expression _oldExpr;
        private readonly Expression _newExpr;
        public ReplaceVisitor(Expression oldExpr, Expression newExpr)
            _oldExpr = oldExpr;
            _newExpr = newExpr;
        public override Expression Visit(Expression node)
            if (node == _oldExpr)
                return _newExpr;
            return base.Visit(node);

    public UpdateExpressionVisitor(ParameterExpression oldExpr, Expression newExpr)

    It doesn't make any sense for oldExpr to be a parameter expression. What you need is just a string.

    var visitor = new UpdateExpressionVisitor(propParam, nav.Body);

    You need to actually use newNavBody here.

    The whole MapNavProperty() will now look like this:

    var parentParam = parent.Parameters.Single();
    var propExpression = Expression.Property(parentParam, propName);
    var mergeVisitor = new ReplaceVisitor(nav.Parameters.Single(), propExpression);
    var newNavBody = mergeVisitor.Visit(nav.Body);
    var visitor = new UpdateExpressionVisitor(propName, newNavBody);
    return (Expression<Func<T, TMap>>)visitor.Visit(parent);

    With these changes, your code will work.