I have never been good with string manipulation and I am now stuck. So the long string has the following:
[desktop-detected display-settings main-boxed pace-done header-function-fixed nav-function-fixed nav-function-hidden nav-function-minify mod-sound mod-font]
I want to filter and keep the string with the nav-, header-, and mod-* prefixes, so the cleaned up string should look like:
[header-function-fixed nav-function-fixed nav-function-hidden nav-function-minify mod-sound mod-font]
I have no idea how to start, completely clueless...
split, filter, and join
var result = '[' + string.split(/[^\w-]+/).filter(function(item) {
return /^(nav|header|mod)-/i.test(item);
}).join(' ') + ']';
JSFiddle Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/c3nff3p6/2/
is splitting the phrase into an array by not matching words or dashes as the separator.
matches if the item starts with either of those values followed by dash, case insensitive.
Other solutions, thanks @Tushar.
'[' + string.slice(1, -1).split(/\s+/).filter(str => /^(nav|header|mod)-/.test(str)).join(' ') + ']'
using match
'[' + string.slice(1, -1).match(/\b(nav|header|mod)-\S*/g).join(' ') + ']'