I have MobileFirst (V7.O) Hybrid app . How can I get the current IP address, OS version (android nnn, Iphone nnn), Device unique Id for the device. Basically, I am recording some information at various point in my app.
Can you please provide some hints and how to get this information
Thanks for your help
You can be found deviceID & IP address below information
unique deviceID
WL.Device.getID({onSuccess : function(o) {
}, onFailure : function(e) {
WL.Logger.info("Error getting ID: " + e);
IP address
WL.Device.getNetworkInfo(function (networkInfo) {
alert (networkInfo.ipAddress);
Device OS version use cordova
var deviceVersion = device.version;
check cordova api https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/3.0.0/cordova/device/device.html