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Can I avoid polluting the public namespace with D imports?

It seems like there is no easy way to prevent D's import statements from clouding the global namespace:

module x;    
import std.stdio;

void main() {

As soon as you import std.stdio, writeln is now global. Coming from [language with namespaces], it would be nice if I could only reference std.stdio.writeln, especially so in a week or two I can easily tell what provides writeln.

After reading Namespaces with classes and structs?, it seems to me that this should do what I'd like (as unwieldly as it is):

module x;
import std.stdio;

class String {
  struct write {
    auto println = writeln;

void main() {
  String string = new String();

But I get Error: variable [...] type void is inferred from initialiser [...], and variables cannot be of type void, which means function aliasing is out.

Were I writing C, I could understand the lack of namespaces (but I could still achieve them with structs and dot-notation). Is there any way to get imported names to not be so global?


  • I'm inclined to agree with @weltensturm -- D handles conflicts gracefully, and artificially creating namespaces is only likely to confuse things.

    One of the nice parts of D (IMHO) is avoiding those long names you see in other languages without worrying that something terrible will happen.

    However, if you really need to, take a look at the docs on modules, which show how you can rename a module:

    import io = std.stdio;
    void main()
        io.writeln("hello!");        // ok, calls std.stdio.writeln
        std.stdio.writeln("hello!"); // error, std is undefined
        writeln("hello!");           // error, writeln is undefined

    You can also use a static import so you are forced to use the fully qualified name:

    static import std.stdio;
    void main()
        std.stdio.writeln("hello!"); // OK
        writeln("hello!");           // error, writeln is undefined