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Playing audio files packed in zip-File

I try to play wav files stored in zip-Files in the filesystem with vlcj. I tried to start the media with this call:


This didn't work.

[0000000000454750] core input error: open of `jar:file://C:/Users/abc/Desktop/test/!/28.wav' failed
[0000000000454750] core input error: Ihre Eingabe konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden
[0000000000454750] core input error: VLC kann die Medienadresse 'jar:file://C:/Users/abc/Desktop/test/!/28.wav' nicht �ffnen. F�r Details bitte im Fehlerprotokoll nachsehen.

I read this post and tried the following


this results in this errors:

[00000000003df990] core access error: no suitable access module for `C://Users/abc/Desktop/test/'
[00000000003df990] zip access error: not a valid zip archive: 'C://Users/abc/Desktop/test/'
[0000000000444750] core input error: open of `zip://C://Users/abc/Desktop/test/!/28.wav' failed
[0000000000444750] core input error: Ihre Eingabe konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden
[0000000000444750] core input error: VLC kann die Medienadresse 'zip://C://Users/abc/Desktop/test/!/28.wav' nicht �ffnen. F�r Details bitte im Fehlerprotokoll nachsehen.

What's wrong? Where did I find the error protocol? Thankyou for your help.


  • This works:
