In a Java program which has a variable t counting up the time (relative to the program start, not system time), how can I turn a user-input String into a math formula that can be evaluated efficiently when needed. (Basically, the preparation of the formula can be slow as it happens Pre run-time, but each stored function may be called several times during run-time and then has to be evaluated efficiently)
As I could not find a Math parser that would keep a formula loaded for later reference instead of finding a general graph solving the equation of y=f(x), I was considering to instead have my Java program generate a script (JS, Python, etc) out of the input String and then call said script with the current t as input parameter. -However I have been told that Scripts are rather slow and thus impractical for real-time applications.
Is there a more efficient way of doing this? (I would even consider making my Java application generate and compile C-code for every user input if this would be viable)
Edit: A tree construct does work to store expressions, but is still fairly slow to evaluate as from what I understand I would need to turn it into a chain of expressions again when evaluating (as in, traverse the tree object) which should need more calls than direct solving of an equation. Instead I will attempt the generation of additional java classes.
What I do is generate Java code at a runtime and compile it. There are a number of libraries to help you do this, one I wrote is This way it can be as efficient as if you had hand written the Java code yourself and if called enough times will be compiled to native code.