I'm working on a lab for school, and the goal is to create a web control to will only accept a monetary value from the user.
1st digit must be “-“ or “$”
2nd digit must be “$” or a number
3rd digit on must be a number or a “.”
Only two digits after decimal
Must have a “$”
The problem I'm having, is that while I can set up labels to display when something is or is not allowed, I can't figure out how to get it to auto delete new characters when the conditions haven't been met. (E.G. can't enter "-1", only "-$" or "$1".) Trying to set the substring's length doesn't seem to be working. The condition in the current example also only seems to work when the string consists only of "-". Any extra characters added do not trigger it.
function text2money(e) {
// get value of txt
var str = document.getElementById("<%=txt.ClientID %>").value;
if (str.substring(0, str.length) === "-" && str.substring(1, str.length) !== "$") {
str.length = 2;
// goes through string one character at a time, converts them to char, then checks if char is a decimal digit
if (str.substring(0, 1) === ('-') || str.substring(0, 1) === ('$')) {
document.getElementById("<%= lbl1.ClientID %>").innerHTML = "True"; // must use .innerHTML with labels
// check if second digit is '$' or numeric
if (str.substring(1, 2) === ("$") || isFinite(str.substring(1, 2))) {
document.getElementById("<%= lbl1.ClientID %>").innerHTML = "It's numeric";
// check if third and any future characters are '.' or numeric
} // end second char if
else {
document.getElementById("<%= lbl1.ClientID %>").innerHTML = "Second char must be '$' or numeric";
} // end second char
} // end first char if
else {
document.getElementById("<%= lbl1.ClientID %>").innerHTML = "First character must be '-' or '$'";
} // end first char
// check if $ is included anywhere in the string
var result = str.indexOf("$") <= -1; // -1 == false
if (result) {
document.getElementById("<%= lbl2.ClientID %>").innerHTML = "$ is a required character";
else {
document.getElementById("<%= lbl2.ClientID %>").innerHTML = "";
} // end text2money
Use a Regex object:
/^ define start of pattern as beginning of string
-? 1 optional -
\$ 1 obligatory $
\d+ 1 or more digits
. obligatory .
\d{2} exactly 2 digits
$/ obligatory end of string