I'm trying to make a little program in C# using Gecko; I want to load some webpage in Gecko, search for specific element and hide it to be invisible for user. I wrote that code and it works in WebBrowser (based on IE) but similiar code doesn't work with Gecko. This is what I made in WebBrowser:
HtmlElement h1 = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("h1")[0];
if (h1 != null)
h1.Style = "display:none";
I know how to search for element in Gecko but how to make this element invisible?
Thanks, Jakub
The following works in GeckoFX 45. You can use the SetAttribute method to set the style of a given element.
GeckoHtmlElement someElement = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("h1")[0];
someElement.SetAttribute("style", @"display: none;");