I have the next program in Assembler MASM, I have a question about the sum records for Assembler MASM
TITLE Suma variables
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
a dword 10000h
b dword 40000h
valorFinal dword ?
main PROC
mov eax,a ; empieza con 10000h
add eax,b ; suma 40000h
mov valorFinal,eax ;
call DumpRegs
main ENDP
END main
My question is when I use add with b, I'm adding only the value of the variable, or am I adding value and address in memory, because I understand that to get the particular value must be enclosed in [].
because I understand that to get the particular value must be enclosed in
In NASM syntax you would need brackets.
In MASM/TASM syntax you don't, and add eax,b
means the same thing as add eax,[b]
(assuming that b
is a label and not something like b EQU 42
If you wanted to add b
's address to eax
in MASM/TASM syntax you would write:
add eax, offset b