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How to handle dialogs in Angular component-based architecture

I'm working on an application in Angular 1.5. I stick to Component-based architecture ( and Input/Output flow described there.

Until now it worked fine, but now i need to open a child component as a dialog window and I'm stuck.

The architecture is fine when you render components tree down starting from main component. But i don't have an idea how get one of those children and display it as a dialog, and still use recommended Input/Output flow.

Do You know any pattern/library to do so?


  • The library would be angular material:

    The pattern would have to be something like this:

    // my-dialog.js
    'use es6'
    export default locals => ({
      locals, // will be bound to the controller instance!
    <p>Something: <span>{{$}}</span></p>
    <md-button ng-click="$ctrl.onSave()">Save</md-button>
    <md-button ng-click="$ctrl.cancel()">Cancel</md-button>
    ` ,
      bindToController: true,
      controllerAs: '$ctrl',
      controller: function($mdDialog, myService) {
        // = ..will be provided in locals as an input parameter..
        // this.onSave = () { ..will be provided as output parameter.. }
        this.cancel = () => {
      clickOutsideToClose: true

    Wich you would invoke from the parent component like this:

    // main-component.js
    'use es6'
    import myDialog from './my-dialog'
      foo: 'bar',
      onSave: () => { .. }

    Hope this helps!