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requirejs confilcts with define/require functions

so long story short - I have a problem trying to integrate requireJS in the old project with whole bunch of legacy code that has a definition for global define function which conflicts with requireJS. Problem happens in karma/jasmine test when I load those two scripts.


files: [
  <lib that has define global function insight>
  webappJs + '/vendor/require.js',


var allTestFiles = [];
var TEST_REGEXP = /.*ng.*test\.js/i;

Object.keys(window.__karma__.files).forEach(function(file) {
    if (TEST_REGEXP.test(file)) {
        // Normalize paths to RequireJS module names.

var config = {
    appDir : '',
    baseUrl : '/base/src/main/webapp',
    dir: "lib",
    deps: allTestFiles,
    callback: window.__karma__.start,
    paths : {
        // Configure alias to full paths
        'angular' : 'lib/angular.min',
        'angularMock' : '/base/src/test/lib/angular-mocks',
        'requireLib': 'lib/require'
    namespace: "appRequire",
    shim : {
        'angular' : {
            deps : [],
            exports : 'angular'
        'angularMock' : {
            deps : ['angular']
    modules: [
            name: "appRequire",
            include: ["requireLib"],
            create: true

require.config (config);

so supposedly now I have to include the appRequire.js file ??? but here is the thing I don't understand how the module will be created, who will create it? Should I not include require.js into list of files

The document doesn't say much about just says that I'll be able to use define/require function as appRequire.define and appRequire.require after that...but what is the mechanism of that? What do I miss here? Cause currently requirejs is still complaining about code that uses the 'old' define function.

Thanks in advance to all of you who can shed some light on that!


  • fixed this problem manually resolving the conflict in main.js

    if( typeof define !== 'undefined' ) {
        myApp = {
           define : define
        define = void 0;