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knockoutjs image src not getting updated from ko.observable

I have this code:

  <tr data-bind="foreach: ProductEffectImagesToMatch()">
                                    <img data-bind="attr: { src: PoseId() ? ImageSrc() : '../images/style2/pose-select-placeholder.png' }, click: $root.PasteSpring"
                                        width="120" />

I'm setting the ImageSrc in the code, but I'm not sure if I need to call something additionally to apply the bindings because although the value is set, I can see that in console.log the image url is not getting updated.

This is the viewmodel:

function EffectSelectionRootModel(imagesrc, poseid) {
        var self = this;
        self.ImageSrc = ko.observable();;
        self.PoseId = ko.observable();

        if (imagesrc) {

        if (poseid) {

And this is how the values are set:

var itemToEdit = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.ProductEffectImagesToMatch(), function (item) {
                return item;

            if (itemToEdit) {
                itemToEdit.ImageSrc = self.selectedPose().ImageUrl;
                itemToEdit.PoseId = self.selectedPose().Id;

And the viewmodel after the execution of that code:

enter image description here

But the image is not updated on the page.

Any idea what else I need to do?


  • Do it like this

    var itemToEdit = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.ProductEffectImagesToMatch(), function (item) {
                return item;
            if (itemToEdit) {

    You have to set new values this way, if not you are overwriting the observable and it will no longer work.