I defined a new face in Emacs, but the coloring does not take effect. Here is the face and mode definition in ~/.emacs
(defface sml-highlight-operator-face
'((t (:foreground "red")))
"SML operator highlighting"
:group 'basic-faces)
(defvar sml-font-lock-keywords
((,(regexp-opt '("fun" "fn" "let" "val" "datatype" "type" "case" "of" "end" "structure" "struct" "signature" "sig"))
(0 font-lock-keyword-face))
("[][=|><-+;,{}():]" (0 sml-highlight-operator-face))))
(define-derived-mode sml-mode prog-mode "SML"
"SML major mode."
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "(* ")
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-end) " *)")
(set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
However, when I use font-lock-builtin-face
instead of sml-highlight-operator-face
those characters are highlighted (albeit with a color I don't want). What am I doing incorrectly?
The element (0 sml-highlight-operator-face)
in your font-lock-keywords does not say "use face sml-highlight-operator-face for sub-match 0" but "use the result of evaluating the expression sml-highlight-operator-face
as the face to put on sub-match 0".
IOW, you need to use (0 'sml-highlight-operator-face)
BTW, the convention nowadays is to not use a -face
suffix for faces (tho such a suffix is still used of course for variables holding faces), tho we haven't bothered to rename the font-lock-foo-face
faces to font-lock-foo
yet (even though it would very much help the confusion you're seeing where a lot of font-lock rules say things like (0 font-lock-foo-face)
and people think it refers to the font-lock-foo-face
face whereas it refers to the font-lock-foo-face
variable (whose value holds the font-lock-foo-face