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wpf oxyplot -- change popup when datapoint is clicked

I am using oxyplot with wpf and I want to change the popup if a datapoint gets clicked. OxyplotDataPointClick

Is it possible to change? I saw a few examples that show how to get the clicked point but nothing about changeing the style.

Thank You


  • The popup is called Tracker in OxyPlot's source code. You can define its ControlTemplate in XAML via OxyPlot.Wpf.PlotView.DefaultTrackerTemplate as:

    <oxy:PlotView Model="{Binding SomePlotModel}">
           <!-- Put your content here-->

    If each series data need different tracker, then use OxyPlot.Wpf.PlotView.TrackerDefinitions. For example, if your have a LineSeries with TrackerKey="LineSeriesXyzTrackerKey", then defines its tracker as:

    <oxy:PlotView Model="{Binding SomePlotModel}">
        <oxy:TrackerDefinition TrackerKey="LineSeriesXyzTrackerKey">
            <!-- Put your content here-->
        <oxy:TrackerDefinition TrackerKey="SomeOtherTrackerKey">
            <!-- Put your content here-->

    The DataContext for the ControlTemplate is a TrackerHitResult, you can view what properties are available here:

    Some examples: How can I show the plot points in Oxyplot for a line Graph?