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Max value in an array using OpenMP

I have to solve an exercise about OpenMP; here it is:

Write the OpenMP code (the minimal fragment of code you need) that takes an array A of integers (of size NUM) and fills an array B (of floats) with the values B[i]=A[i]/MaxA (MaxA must be calculated as part of the provided code).

For the final calculation I would use

#pragma omp parallel for shared(A,B)
for(int i=0; i<NUM; i++) {
   B[i] = A[i]/MaxA;

My doubt is on how to take advantage of OpenMP to compute the maximum value of A.

The only idea I came up with is using parallel sections to parallelize a recursive maximum computation:

The first call is made with i=0; j= sizeOfA - 1

int max(int A[], int i, int j) {

    // Leaves conditions
    switch (j-i) {
        case 1:
        {   if( A[i]>A[j] )
                return A[i];
                return A[j];
        case 0:
            return A[i];

    int left, right;
    #pragma omp parallel sections
        #pragma omp section
            left = max( A, i, i+(j-i)*0.5);

        #pragma omp section
            right = max( A, i+(j-i)*0.5+1, j);


    // Nodes conditions
    if( right > left )
        return right;
        return left;


Do you think it is a good solution? Can you tell me if there is any better solution / alternative ?


  • What about using a reduction clause to calculate the maximum value within A in the range between [i,j] instead of using recursive calculation?

    Something like

    int max(int A[], int i, int j)
        int max_val = A[0];
        #pragma omp parallel for reduction(max:max_val) 
        for (int idx = i; idx < j; idx++)
           max_val = max_val > A[idx] ? max_val : A[idx];
        return max_val;