I have the twig/assetic code below:
{% if post.media %}
{% image '@ApplicationMyBundle/Resources/images/AjaxLoader-298x179.gif' output='/images/AjaxLoader-298x179.gif' %}
<img src="{{ asset_url }}" data-src="{% path post.media, 'news_size_4' %}" />
{% endimage %}
{% endif %}
The real image path is in {% path post.media, 'news_size_4' %}
, I need to get this output in to a variable so i can use it elsewhere. {{ asset_url }} is no good as that only gives me the ajaxloader image.
Is there anyway this can be done?
As suggested by Hakim in a comment, you can use the set Twig tag.
Define the variable:
{% set myPath %}
{% path post.media, 'news_size_4' %}
{% endset %}
Display this variable:
{{ myPath }}