I use MultiDatesPicker calendar where the user can select some dates. A textarea (with readonly tag) object filled automatically with dates, while the user selects some of them and is working fine. What I liked to do now is to make height of textarea equal to height of the text within it (dates from Multidatespicker). Starting from 1 row.
I tried this answer (2nd answer) Creating a textarea with auto-resize (working: jsfiddle) but didn't work for my case
<div class="pick-multi-dates"></div>
<textarea rows="1" id="input-multi-dates" class="input-multi-dates"></textarea>
minDate: 0,
altField: '#input-multi-dates',
onSelect: function() {
$('.input-multi-dates').css('height', 'auto' );
$('.input-multi-dates').height( this.scrollHeight );
.input-multi-dates {
overflow-y: hidden; /* prevents scroll bar flash */
padding-top: 1.1em; /* prevents text jump on Enter keypress */
Thank you
Try this:
minDate: 0,
altField: '#input-multi-dates',
onSelect: function() {
var text = document.getElementById('input-multi-dates');
text.style.height = 'auto';
text.style.height = text.scrollHeight+'px';