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How do i combine list of bson.M elements into a single bson.M in mongo in golang?

lstMap := make([]interface{}, 0)
lstMap = mongoOps.AddToBsonMap(lstMap, bson.M{"$inc": bson.M{"Google.ab.Value": 1}})
lstMap = mongoOps.AddToBsonMap(lstMap, bson.M{"$inc": bson.M{"Google.ab1.Value1": 1}})

func (o *MongoOps) AddToBsonMap(lstMap []interface{}, value interface{}) (result []interface{}) {
lstMap = append(lstMap, value)
return lstMap


 I want the in this format :
 bson.M{"$inc": bson.M{"Google.ab.Value": 1, "": 2}}

All the operation of same key needs to be appended.Thank you in advance


  • func (o *MongoOps) AddToBsonMapElement(lstMap map[string]interface{},     Operation string, key string, value interface{}) (result map[string]interface{})     {
    status, msg := EmptyStructCheck(o)
    if status == true {
    if Operation == "$addToSetEach" {
        if _, ok := lstMap["$addToSet"]; ok {
            childmap := lstMap["$addToSet"]
            subchildmap := childmap.(map[string]interface{})
            var val map[string]interface{}
            val = make(map[string]interface{})
            val["$each"] = value
            subchildmap[key] = val
            lstMap["$addToSet"] = subchildmap
        } else {
            lstMap["$addToSet"] = bson.M{key: bson.M{"$each": value}}
    } else if _, ok := lstMap[Operation]; ok {
        childmap := lstMap[Operation]
        subchildmap := childmap.(map[string]interface{})
        subchildmap[key] = value
        lstMap[Operation] = subchildmap
    } else {
        childmap := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
        childmap[key] = value
        lstMap[Operation] = childmap
    return lstMap

    This is what you can try