I have an Active wave recording wave-file.wav
happening to the Source
I need to replicate this file to Destination
folder with a new name wave-file-copy.wav
The recording and replication should happen in parallel.
I have implemented a scheduled job, which will run in every 10 minutes and copy the source
file to destination
private static void CopyWaveFile(string destinationFile, string sourceFile){
using (var fs = File.Open(sourceFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)){
using (var reader = new WaveFileReader(fs)){
using (var writer = new WaveFileWriter(destinationFile, reader.WaveFormat)){
reader.Position = 0;
var endPos = (int)reader.Length;
var buffer = new byte[1024];
while (reader.Position < endPos){
var bytesRequired = (int)(endPos - reader.Position);
if (bytesRequired <= 0) continue;
var bytesToRead = Math.Min(bytesRequired, buffer.Length);
var bytesRead = reader.Read(buffer, 0, bytesToRead);
if (bytesRead > 0){
writer.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
The copy operation is working fine, even though the source file is being updated continuously.
Time taken for the copy operation is increasing in linear time, because i am copying the entire file every time.
I am trying to implement a new function ConcatenateWavFiles()
, which should update the content of destination file, with the latest available bytes of source recording.
I have tried few sample codes - the approach i am using is :
of destination file as reader.Position
of source file waveReader
Read the source file till end, starting from position.
public static void ConcatenateWavFiles(string destinationFile, string sourceFile){
WaveFileWriter waveFileWriter = null;
var sourceReadOffset = GetWaveFileSize(destinationFile);
using (var fs = File.Open(sourceFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
using (var reader = new WaveFileReader(fs))
waveFileWriter = new WaveFileWriter(destinationFile, reader.WaveFormat);
if (!reader.WaveFormat.Equals(waveFileWriter.WaveFormat)){
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Can't append WAV Files that don't share the same format");
var startPos = sourceReadOffset - sourceReadOffset % reader.WaveFormat.BlockAlign;
var endPos = (int) reader.Length;
reader.Position = startPos;
var bytesRequired = (int)(endPos - reader.Position);
var buffer = new byte[bytesRequired];
if (bytesRequired > 0)
var bytesToRead = Math.Min(bytesRequired, buffer.Length);
var bytesRead = reader.Read(buffer, 0, bytesToRead);
if (bytesRead > 0)
waveFileWriter.Write(buffer, startPos, bytesRead);
if (waveFileWriter != null){
I was able to get the new content.
Is it possible to append the latest content to existing destination file?
If possible what am I doing wrong in the code?
My code throws the following exception - Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.
I couldn't find a solution to wave audio file replication with NAudio Library.
But I have implemented a solution using C# MemoryStreams and FileStreams.
Repeat this append operation in regular intervals.
public void ReplicateFile(string destinationFile, string sourceFile){
if (!Directory.Exists(GetRoutePathFromFile(sourceFile)))
if (!File.Exists(sourceFile))
if (Directory.Exists(GetRoutePathFromFile(destinationFile))){
if (File.Exists(destinationFile)){
UpdateLatestWaveFileContent(destinationFile, sourceFile);
CopyWaveFile(destinationFile, sourceFile);
CopyWaveFile(destinationFile, sourceFile);
private static string GetRoutePathFromFile(string file){
var rootPath = Directory.GetParent(file);
return rootPath.FullName;
private static void CopyWaveFile(string destination, string source){
var sourceMemoryStream = new MemoryStream();
using (var fs = File.Open(source, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)){
using (var fs = new FileStream(destination, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite)){
private static void UpdateLatestWaveFileContent(string destinationFile, string sourceFile){
var sourceMemoryStream = new MemoryStream();
long offset = 0;
using (var fs = File.Open(destinationFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)){
offset = fs.Length;
using (var fs = File.Open(sourceFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)){
var length = sourceMemoryStream.Length - offset;
var buffer = sourceMemoryStream.GetBuffer();
using (var fs = new FileStream(destinationFile, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite)){
fs.Write(buffer, (int)offset, (int)length);
var bytes = new byte[45];
for (var i = 0; i < 45; i++){
bytes[i] = buffer[i];
ModifyHeaderDataLength(destinationFile, 0, bytes);
private static void ModifyHeaderDataLength(string filename, int position, byte[] data){
using (Stream stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite))
stream.Position = position;
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);