From the following xml:
<Result xmlns="">
I am trying to get the value of the Name element the following way but that does not work:
private static void Main()
var response = new XmlDocument();
var namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(response.NameTable);
namespaceManager.AddNamespace("ns", "");
Console.WriteLine(response.SelectSingleNode("/response/content/Result/Name", namespaceManager).InnerXml);
How can I select the Name element?
Your code would have worked just fineif the Xml had defined the namespace with a "ns:" prefix.
But in this case, the namespace is given without any prefix, which sets the default namespace for everything in the Result tag to ".../webservice/types".
To reflect this, you need to modify the Xpath, and tell the XmlDocument that the nodes you are looking for under Resultare in the webservice/types namespace. So your query will look like this:
Console.WriteLine(response.SelectSingleNode(@"/response/content/ns:Result/ns:Name", namespaceManager).InnerXml);