I am trying to convert a large number going in to Megabytes. I don't want decimals
numeric function formatMB(required numeric num) output="false" {
return arguments.num \ 1024 \ 1024;
It then throws an error
How do I get around this?
You can't change the size of a Long, which is what CF uses for integers. So you'll need to BigInteger instead:
numeric function formatMB(required numeric num) {
var numberAsBigInteger = createObject("java", "java.math.BigInteger").init(javacast("string", num));
var mbAsBytes = 1024 ^ 2;
var mbAsBytesAsBigInteger = createObject("java", "java.math.BigInteger").init(javacast("string", mbAsBytes));
var numberInMb = numberAsBigInteger.divide(mbAsBytesAsBigInteger);
return numberInMb.longValue();
But as Leigh points out... for what you're doing, you're probably better off just doing this:
return floor(arguments.num / (1024 * 1024));