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Backbone Dynamically Save Property

I'm attempting to save a dynamic property to a backbone model.

So basically a question could have a question_type of say "car" or "house_type".

Ideally I'd like to do something like this:'question_type'): answer.get('answer_number'))

Where question.get('question_type') dynamically shifts to answer.get('answer_number')) or answer.get('answer_number'))

I tried doing question_type = question.get('question_type') and then answer.get('answer_number')) but that actually just sets question_type for the appuser.

An example of how I would do this in Rails would be to do a appuser.update_attributes("#{question_type}" => value) which would dynamically convert question_type to car or what have you.

Any ideas?


I've been able to just store these values in a string and save that to question_type and parse it out appropriately on my server. But I'd still prefer to find a way to handle it dynamically.


  • If you look at the docs for .save you'll notice that you can pass a hash of attributes.

    Since you can create objects with dynamic keys you can first create the data you want to set and then pass it to .save

    var attrs = {};
    attrs[question.get('question_type')] = answer.get('answer_number');;