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I having trouble getting my caption to show up in my lightbox

I have a lightbox and i have it able to scroll from one image to another, but since adding the forward and back buttons i lost my caption that used to be there. If anyone could help me figure it out i would appreciate it.

var $overlay = $('<div id="overlay"></div>');
var $image = $("<img>");
var $caption = $("<p></p>");

//An image to overlay

var $leftArrow = $("<div id='leftArrow'></div>");
var $rightArrow = $("<div id='rightArrow'></div>");
var $closeLightbox = $("<div id='closeLightbox'></div><div style='clear:both'></div>");


//A caption to overlay

//Add overlay

//Capture the click event on a link to an image
$("#boxCabinet a,#channelLetters a, #customSignage a, #postandpanel a").click(function(event){


//Show the overlay.



function getCurrentImage (currentImage) {  
thisImage = currentImage;
var imageLocation = $(currentImage).attr("href");
//Update overlay with the image linked in the link
$image.attr("src", imageLocation);

//Get child's alt attribute and set caption
var captionText = $(this).children("img").attr("alt");

function getPrevImage() {
imageParent = $(thisImage).parent().prev();
  thisImage = $(imageParent).children("a");



function getNextImage() {
imageParent = $(thisImage).parent().next();
thisImage = $(imageParent).children("a");


//When overlay is clicked
//Hide the overlay

And heres my html

  <div id="slideshow">

  <a name="featured" id="featured"></a>

  <h1>Featured Work</h1>
  <div id="ssouter">
  <% csv.each do |row|%>
    <% if row[2] == "Active" && row[4] == "Featured" %>   
    <img class="slideshow" src=<%= row[0]%> >

    <% end %>


    <div id="portfolio">
 <a name="boxCabinet"></a>
 <h1>Box Cabinet </h1>

    <ul id="boxCabinet">

    <% csv.each do |row|%>
    <%   if row[3] == "Box" && row[2] == "Active" %>
    <li><a href="<%= row[0]%>"><img src=<%= row[0]%> width="120" height="120"alt="<%=row[1]%>"></a></li>

       <% end %>
       <% end %>



  • I fixed it my problem was here.

    //Get child's alt attribute and set caption
    var captionText = $(this).children("img").attr("alt");

    I accidentally changed $(this).children when it should be $(currentImage).children currentImage is when/where the caption is needing to be called so I see my error now.It came to me in my sleep, totally forgot til I started working on my code a few minutes ago.