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android - pubnub - cant see messages and history

I use Pubnub to implement 1-1 chat between android devices.

I did the publish/subscribe tutorial and I am able to listen to a channel and send messages to a channel. When I send a message to the channel, the receive callback is called successfully.

My issue is - On the Pubnub admin dashboard, It says I have 1 Device (true, because I subscribed and listened only from one device so far), but it also says there are 0 messages, which is weird because I did send and received messages in the channel.

Where can I see the messages, channels and chat history? it also brings the question of how would I get the chat history for each channel..

Anyone with experience with this?


  • PubNub Admin Dashboard - Metrics

    The metrics in the PubNub Admin Dashboard are calculated daily so what you see there is as of yesterday.

    • Daily Active Devices is the day with the highest number of devices that connected to PubNub using your keys.
    • Message count is the cumulative message from the beginning of the current month.

    Check again tomorrow and you should see the message counts metrics with non-zero numbers.