I have a DataSource :
var ds_IMMAT = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport : {
read : {
url: '<%= Url.Action("GetVehiculesSurSiteAttente", "Entrees_Sorties")%>'
GetVehiculesSurSiteAttente is defined in a controller of my ASP project. This is working correctly. I get a list of object.
Then I have a KendoDropDownList :
text: "Aucune donnée",
index: 0,
dataSource: ds_IMMAT,
dataTextField: "Immat_Tracteur",
I just have to use the name of the variable of the object I want to display with "dataTextField".
My question is the following : How can I pass the entire object that is selected in the DropDownList to a function ? (I want to use the change event of the DropDownList to launch the function)
Inside your change
event, use this.dataItem()
and you'll have the whole selected object:
change: function() {
var dataItem = this.dataItem();