In my java app, it seems to use parameters in my query to the database, I need to utilize the PreparedStatement. However at the same time, I would like to use the resultset from the statement in forward/backward mode (scrollable) PreparedStatement does not seem to offer setting the scrollable mode Statement does not seem to offer parameters.
Seems like a basic question..but nothing jumping out at me (other than using Statement and constructing the SQL without parameters). Is there really no way to supply parameters to a Statement..or have a preparedstatement scrollable? Am I missing something?
conn = Utility.getConnection();
tmpSQL = "SELECT * FROM " + baseTable + " WHERE " + filterCriteria
+ " ORDER BY " + sortCriteria;
//method 1
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(
rset = stmt.executeQuery(tmpSQL); //not using any parameters!
//method 2
PreparedStatement pStatement = conn.prepareStatement(tmpSQL); //not scrollable!
if (params != null)
for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
pStatement.setString(i + 1,
((Parameter) params.get(i)).getStringValue());
rset = pStatement.executeQuery();
PreparedStatement pStatement = conn.prepareStatement(tmpSQL,
Then to get the count of records in your ResultSet, use rset.last()
followed by rset.getRow()
. Then use rset.beforeFirst()
to put the cursor back to where it was initially.