can I write this below mentioned query with the same concept in entity framework
update o set o.Name='NewName'
from Organization o
Inner join Guardian g on o.OrgRowId=g.OrgRowId
where g.IsEnabled=1 and g.OrgRowId=1
Please guide!!!
As requested this is what I am able to compose the select query with join, but unable to do the update in the same query
var query = from o in Organizations
join g in Guardians on o.OrgRowId equals g.OrgRowId
where g.IsEnabled && g.GuardianRowId==1
select o;
Update 1 Kilanny, i tried you query and update my one like this, but its not effecting, I am running these queries in Linqpad
using (var context = new DbEntities())
var query = from o in Organizations
join g in Guardians on o.OrgRowId equals g.OrgRowId
where g.IsEnabled && g.GuardianRowId == 1
select o;
foreach (var item in query)
item.Name="New Organization Name";
var query = from o in Organizations
join g in Guardians on o.OrgRowId equals g.OrgRowId
where g.IsEnabled && g.GuardianRowId==1
select o;
foreach (var item in query)