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Where is getProtectionDomain() in jruby?

I have a staff class in Java and I can get the location on disk where it was loaded from using the following code:


In a jruby jirb session I tried the following:


and (edit)


both of which cannot find the method: undefined method `getProtectionDomain'

Is this method masked by jruby and if so, how can I call it?

[edit] I am using jruby 1.5.6.


  • In jruby you should use #protection_domain() - which exists and works as expected - instead of getProtectionDomain() - which exists but does not work as expected.

    For completeness, here is a short example:

    # use this to get the jruby-complete.jar file
    a_java_class = self.to_java.java_class
      #=> class org.jruby.RubyObject
      #=> "/C:/Users/xxx/yyy/jruby-complete-"
    # use this to get the file path to the commons-lang3-3.4.jar
    require_relative 'java_lib/commons-lang3-3.4.jar'
    a_java_class = Java::org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils.java_class
      #=> class org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils

    Also, see this other post with related info: Get JRuby jar path