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How to call stored procedure in strongloop

I am using MySQL and strongloop, I have a stored procedure to swap data

swap_XYZ('<old_abc>', '<new_new>')

I am not able to find any example in the documentation to call stored procedure. How to call this stored procedure? Thanks in advance.


  • module.exports = function (ABCModel) {
     var ds = app.dataSources.dsMySQL;
      ABCModel.swap = function (old_abc, new_abc, cb) {
        var sql = "CALL `swap_XYZ`('" + old_abc + "','" + new_abc + "');";
        ds.connector.query(sql, function (err, data) {
          if (err) {
            console.log("Error:", err);
          cb(null, data);
          console.log("data:", data);
          accepts: [
            {arg: 'old_abc', type: 'string'},
            {arg: 'new_abc', type: 'string'}
          returns: {arg: 'result', type: 'object'},
          http: {path: '/swap', verb: 'post'}