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How to copy TypedArray into another TypedArray?

C# has a high performance array copying function to copy arrays in place:

Array.Copy(source, destination, length)

It's faster than doing it manually ie.:

for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
    destination[i] = source[i];

I am looking for an equivalent high performance copy function to copy arrays in place, for Int32Array and Float32Array in JavaScript and can find no such function:

The closest is copyWithin which only does a copy internally within an array.

Is there a built in high performance copy function for TypedArrays in place?

Plan B, is there a built in high performance clone function instead? (EDIT: looks like slice() is the answer to that)


  • You're looking for .set which allows you to set the values of an array using an input array (or TypedArray), optionally starting at some offset on the destination array:

    destination.set(source, offset);

    Or, to set a limited amount of the input array:

    destination.set(source.slice(limit), offset);

    If you instead want to create a new TypedArray, you can simply use .slice:
