I had this problem with the new version 4.0, and wasn't able to find any answer, until I myself solved with a work around after some hours of work.
My workaround solution:
First, make it sortable with jquery.
containment: 'parent',
update: function() {
The function orderSortedValues has the following idea: Change the order of the options of the original select input, and notifying select2 about the new order.
orderSortedPassageValues = function() {
$("#mySelect").parent().find("ul.select2-selection__rendered").children("li[title]").each(function(i, obj){
var element = $("#mySelect").children("option[value="+obj.title+"]");
moveElementToEndOfParent = function(element) {
var parent = element.parent();
Finally, it will also be necessary to stop the automatic sorting with selecting a new value through the dropdown
stopAutomaticOrdering = function() {
$("#mySelect").on("select2:select", function (evt) {
var id = evt.params.data.id;
var element = $(this).children("option[value="+id+"]");
PS: the scope of the functions are global. You may change it... Hope to help someone else.