I want to use a CurrencyValueConverter like the one in the aurelia.io documentation, but localizing the result to Dutch or German, but I don't know how to make all languages available to numeral.
I am able to import the Ducth locale en load it explicitly as follows:
import numeral from 'numeral';
import nl from "numeral/languages/nl-nl";
export class CurrencyValueConverter {
toView(value, language = "nl-nl") {
numeral.language(language, nl); // this line loads the nl language definition
return numeral(value).format("$0,0.00");
But of course, this only works for one language. How can I load multiple languages while avoiding something like
if(language === "nl-nl")
numeral.language(language, nl);
else if(language === "de-de")
// etc
Here's an example: https://gist.run?id=6af6cf41d4f8dc206aaa
<require from="./currency-value-converter"></require>
<select value.bind="selectedLanguage">
<option repeat.for="language of languages" value.bind="language">${language}</option>
<h1>${value | currency:selectedLanguage}</h1>
export class App {
value = 1234567.890123;
selectedLanguage = 'nl-nl';
languages = [
import numeral from 'numeral';
import 'numeral/min/languages.min';
export class CurrencyValueConverter {
toView(value, language = 'nl-nl') {
return numeral(value).format('$0,0.00');