How does one convert a file that has been base64 encoded back to its original format and write it to disk? For instance I have a pdf file which has been mime64 encoded. The file starts with:
I would like to write this out to disk in the proper format. I have tried several libraries (e.g. ring.util.codec) that decode the string into a byte-array, but if I write the resulting byte-array out to a file (using spit) the file appears corrupted.
The PHP function base64_decode appears to be doing what I am looking for, as it returns a string. What is the equivalent in Java?
In Clojure, there is data.codec
(formerly in clojure-contrib).
Using Java interoperability :
and javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter/printBase64Binary
So those are the helper functions I used for images when using data.codec
(require '[ :as b64-codec])
(defn write-img! [id b64]
(decode-str (chop-header b64))
( (str "/Users/nha/tmp/" id "." (b64-ext b64)))))
(defn decode-str [s]
(b64-codec/decode (.getBytes s)))
(defn in?
"true if the seq coll contains the element el"
[coll el]
(some #(= el %) coll))
(defn b64-ext [s]
(if-let [ext (second (first (re-seq #"data:image/(.*);base64.*" s)))]
(if (in? ["png" "jpeg"] ext)
(throw (Exception. (str "Unsupported extension found for image " ext))))
(throw (Exception. (str "No extension found for image " s)))))
(defn chop-header [s]
(nth (first (re-seq #"(data:image/.*;base64,)(.*)" s)) 2))