I'm trying to get some data from server which is in JSON format. I want to show them in a table that is dynamically created. When I run this code, no errors appear and also it gets data correctly but it shows nothing in the table. I think there is a running priority issue but I don't know how to fix it.
$.getJSON(getUrlPizza, function(result) {
keepGetData = result;
var j, k = 0;
$.each(keepGetData, function(i, field) {
getUrlSize = urlSize + "/" + keepGetData[i].id;
$.getJSON(getUrlSize, function(resultS) {
size = resultS;
$.each(size, function(s, fieldS) {
sizes[k] = size[s];
////// Create Table
out += "<tr><td>" +
keepGetData[i].name +
"</td><td>" +
fieldS.size1.name +
"</td><td>" +
fieldS.price +
"</td><td>" +
"<button onclick='edit(this)'>Edit</button></td><td>" +
"<button onclick='removeItem(this)'>Remove</button></td></tr>";
out += "</table>";
document.getElementById("drinkConDiv").innerHTML = out;
TRy this: you are executing a asinc call you need to append the html when the call is completed
$.getJSON(getUrlPizza, function(result){
keepGetData = result;
var j,k =0;
$.each(keepGetData, function(i,field){
getUrlSize = urlSize + "/" + keepGetData[i].id;
$.getJSON(getUrlSize, function(resultS){
size = resultS;
$.each(size, function(s,fieldS){
sizes[k] = size[s];
////// Create Table
out += "<tr><td>"+ keepGetData[i].name + "</td><td>"+
fieldS.size1.name + "</td><td>"+
fieldS.price + "</td><td>"+
"<button onclick='edit(this)'>Edit</button></td><td>"+
"<button onclick='removeItem(this)'>Remove</button></td></tr>";