I have a select Box,
<s:select id = "mode" list="#{'0':'SELECT','A':'ABC','B':'XYZ'}" > </s:select>
Based on selection from this select box, i need to make the columns dynamic :
<td><div align="center">Serial Number</div></td>
<td><div align="center">Employee Number</div></td>
<td id="name"><div align="center">Employee Name</div></td>
<s:iterator status="stat" value="empList" id="empList">
<td><div align="center"><s:property value="%{#stat.count}"/></div></td>
<td><div align="center"><s:property value="empNum" /></div></td>
<td><div align="center"><s:select id="nameList%{#stat.index}" list="#{'A':'ABC','B':'XYZ'}" > </s:select></div></td>
The script I am using is like:
var mode = document.getElementById("mode");
var selMode = mode.options[mode.selectedIndex].value;
var cnt = document.getElementById("rowCnt").value;
var name = document.getElementById("name");
name.style.display = "none";
var lname = document.getElementById("nameList"+i);
lname.style.display = "none";
var name = document.getElementById("name");
name.style.display = "block";
var lname = document.getElementById("nameList"+i);
lname.style.display = "block";
But using id="nameList%{#stat.index}", it makes only select box dynamic, I want to make the whole column as dynamic.
<td id="nameList%{#stat.index}"><div align="center"><s:select list="#{'A':'ABC','B':'XYZ'}" > </s:select></div></td>
DOES NOT work. It seems value of %{#stat.index} cannot be passed as column id.
Is there any other way to make the whole column dynamic?
You can't use OGNL without Struts tag. To print the value of OGNL expression you should use s:property
<td id="<s:property value='nameList%{#stat.index}'/>"><div align="center"><s:select list="#{'A':'ABC','B':'XYZ'}" > </s:select></div></td>