I'm writing a program in c, which make use of threads, and i also want to catch Ctrl+C signal from the user. So, before i go multithreading, i make the signal catching.
My main thread (i mean besides the actual main thread that the program runs on), is a method to deal with user input, and i also join this thread to the main program thread.
The problem is, when testing and hitting Ctrl+C to exit program, the thread responsible for receiving user input doesn't close until i hit "return" on my keyboard - like its stuck on infinite loop.
When exiting by typing 'q', all threads end up properly.
I use a global variable exit_flag to indicate the threads to finish their loops.
Also, in init_radio_stations method there's another single thread creation, that loops in the exact same way - on the exit_flag status, and this thread DOES close properly
Here's my main loop code:
void main_loop()
status_type_t rs = SUCCESS;
pthread_t thr_id;
/* Catch Ctrl+C signals */
if(SIG_ERR == signal(SIGINT, close_server)) {
error("signal() failed! errno = ");
printf("\n~ Welcome to radio_server! ~\n Setting up %d radio stations... ", srv_params.num_of_stations);
printf("Done!\n\n* Hit 'q' to exit the application\n* Hit 'p' to print stations & connected clients info\n");
/* Create and join a thread to handle user input */
if(pthread_create(&thr_id, NULL, &rcv_usr_input, NULL)) {
error("main_loop pthread_create() failed! errno = ");
if(pthread_join(thr_id, NULL)) {
error("main_loop pthread_join() failed! errno = ");
close_server method:
void close_server(int arg)
switch(arg) {
case SIGINT: /* 2 */
printf("\n^C Detected!\n");
case ERR: /* -1 */
printf("\nError occured!\n");
case DEF_TO: /* 0 */
printf("\nOperation timed-out!\n");
default: /* will handle USER_EXIT, and all other scenarios */
printf("\nUser abort!\n");
printf("Signaling all threads to free up all resources and exit...\n");
/* Update exit_flag, and wait 1 sec just in case, to give all threads time to close */
exit_flag = TRUE;
And rcv_usr_input handle code:
void * rcv_usr_input(void * arg_p)
char in_buf[BUFF_SIZE] = {0};
while(FALSE == exit_flag) {
memset(in_buf, 0, BUFF_SIZE);
if(NULL == fgets(in_buf, BUFF_SIZE, stdin)) {
error("fgets() failed! errno = ");
/* No input from the user was received */
if('\0' == in_buf[0]) {
in_buf[0] = tolower(in_buf[0]);
if( ('q' == in_buf[0]) && ('\n' == in_buf[1]) ) {
} else {
printf("Invalid input!\nType 'q' or 'Q' to exit only\n");
printf("User Input handler is done\n");
return NULL;
I'm guessing my problem is related to joining the thread that uses rcv_usr_input at the end of my main loop, but i can't figure out what exactly causing this behavior.
I'll be glad to get some help, Thanks
According to http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/fgets/, fgets blocks until the specified number of bytes have been read.
I suggest trying fread or some other input reception function that isn't blocking and then read only one byte at a time. Here's sample code to help you:
if (fread(in_buf, 1,1, stdin) > 0){
//character has been read
And I wouldn't worry about the extra sleep statement in your signal handler as it causes delays in forceful exiting at best.