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C++ reverse dns lookup (on local network)

I'm currently working on a "list what's up in the local network"-tool and now i'm stuck at the "gimme a hostname for this IP"-part.

I already tried getnameinfo and gethostbyaddr, but the first one returns (almost) always the given IP instead of a hostname, the second one returns some strange stuff like

My question is: How could i make this work?

Note: It's not like there is no hostname associated with at least one of the IPs, for example dig +short -x return as it should and also host gives the correct answer domain name pointer

Additional note: On my research i stumbled upon a library, called "adns", but by "stumbled upon" i mean "almost literally stumbled upon", as there's not the slightest trace of a documentation, examples or such... So if someone actually has an example on how to use "adns", that would be great...


  • Oookay... Seems, like i screwed up several things in an almost "monkey wanna banana"-style...


    I used this:

    sockaddr_in address;
    memset(&address, 0, sizeof(address));
    address.sin_family = AF_INET;
    address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
    struct hostent *h =gethostbyaddr((const void *)&address, sizeof(address), AF_INET);

    Instead of the correct:

    in_addr address;
    struct hostent *h = gethostbyaddr((const void *)&address, sizeof(address), AF_INET);


    I had a line where i checked, if the returned hostname was empty to replace it with a placeholder, depending on the selected "report format" (plain text/xml/csv). But for whatever reason, i wrote it in a way, that it ALWAYS replaced the hostname with the said placeholder (dang! it was kinda obvious, but i didn't see it the whole time...).

    BUT FINALLY: YAY! It works...