I am using specs2 to test the following class
class ConstraintSolver {
def solve(solver: Solver)(callback: (ConstraintSolution) => Unit) = {
val results = solver.solve()
callback(ConstraintSolution(true, results))
case class ConstraintSolution(isSuccessful: Boolean, results: Map[String, Variable])
I want my test to assert on the 'results' variable passed into the callback function. So far, this is what I have:
class ConstraintSolverSpec extends Specification {
"ConstraintSolver" should {
"solve a matching problem and report the solution" in {
val constraintSolver = new ConstraintSolver()
val solverWithCapacityConstraints = ....
constraintSolver.solve(solverWithCapacityConstraints) {
constraintSolution => {
constraintSolution.isSuccessful shouldEqual true
But this does not work. I've checked online and can't seem to find a solution. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
You can mock your callback with Mockito:
class ConstraintSolverSpec extends Specification with Mockito {
"ConstraintSolver" should {
"solve a matching problem and report the solution" in {
val constraintSolver = new ConstraintSolver()
val callbackMock = mock[(ConstraintSolution) => Unit]
val solverWithCapacityConstraints = ....
// now check
there was one(callbackMock).apply(
beLike[ConstraintSolution] { case solution =>
solution.isSuccessful should beTrue