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Struts2 Dynamic hyperlink generation using Arraylist

I am using struts and iterating over list of strings. I want to generate dynamic hyperlink based on the value of prs element.

"s" is list iterator and prs is one of it's fields needs to be appended after s:url value

<td class="R0C0" > <a href="<s:url value="<s:property value="prs" />#data_tab"  />" target="_blank"><s:property value="prs" /></a>

So for example if list have two elements and value of prs are 100 and 200 respectively. Then i want url to be generated as follows,

s:url value
s:url value


  • You can't use Struts tags like that. You can use OGNL expression to write the value of prs.

    <a href="<s:url value='{prs}' />#data_tab" target="_blank"><s:property value="prs" /></a>