I have some selection field in my model. Here example:
class MyModel(models.Model):
_name = 'my_app.my_model'
example_selection = fields.Selection(
('first', 'First'),
('second', 'Second'),
# etc.
string='My selection',
In some cases I need hide specific options in selection(or radio buttons). How I can do this properly?
Below screen from base calendar module which can more explain about my problem.
Thanks in advance.
I found the solution.
First of all we need to create custom widget for FieldSelection. Here example(path_to_your_module/static/src/js/form_widgets.js):
odoo.define('your_module.form_widgets', function (require) {
"use strict";
var core = require('web.core');
var FieldSelection = core.form_widget_registry.get('selection');
var MySelection = FieldSelection.extend({
// add events to base events of FieldSelection
events: _.defaults({
// we will change of visibility on focus of field
'focus select': 'onFocus'
}, FieldSelection.prototype.events),
onFocus: function() {
if (
// check values of fields. for example I need to check many fields
this.field_manager.fields.name_field_1.get_value() == 'value1' &&
this.field_manager.fields.name_field_2.get_value() == 'value2' /* && etc fields...*/
) {
// for example just hide all options. You can create any kind of logic here
// register your widget
core.form_widget_registry.add('your_selection', MySelection);
After this you need just set your widget to field in your view like this:
<field name="example_selection" widget="your_selection"/>
If you don't know how to include static of your module HERE example which can help you.
I hope this helps someone ;)