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Zingchart dynamically changing axis label with Jquery

I am working on this zingchart:

    var myConfig = {
        type: "line",
      //...... legend, preview...
                    "id": "xlabel",
                    "id": "ylabel",
        series: [
                { "values": [
                { "values": [

I have modified the graph to add plots, etc. However, I get an error when trying to modify dynamically the labels of the X and Y axes. I am using the JQuery wrapper and according to Update Object I do:

             "type": "label",
                "data": {
                    "id": "xlabel",
                    "text": "My new label"

But this raises an error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined on this part (I know it is minimised and will not make too much sense unless you developed zingchart):

 for (z = 0, b = p.length; z < b; z++) {

in the case "updateobject":

I am unsure I am using the object update correctly, but this is how it seems to work from the documentation. Any ideas I might be missing?

EDIT: I could not reproduce the incidence in this jsfiddle, but I could not make it work either.


I think it comes to this bit, where it sets p to undefined:

case "updateobject":
    r = n.BY(e[ZC._[3]]);
    if (r && {
        r.G["objects.updates"] = []; //G = "label"
        G = e.type || "label";  // e = Object {type: "label", data: Object}
        p = r.o[G + "s"];   // p = undefined, r = e {b: undefined, M9: "zcgraph", MW: "linegraph", o: Object, G: Object…}

And r.o is:

o: Object
background-color: "#ffffff"
height: 502
legend: Object
plot: Object
plotarea: Object
preview: Object
scale-x: Object
scale-y: Object
series: Array[2]
tween: null
type: "line"
width: 755
x: 0
y: 0
__proto__: Object

This Demo shows an example where UpdateObject works:

var myConfig = {
           'text':'Label 1',
           'text':'Label 2',

It seems that the object under labels will be found (that is why I saw before a +"s" in p = r.o[G + "s"]). It might mean that I am using the wrong method to modify the label inside the "scale-x".


  • $("#myChart").modify({
        "data": {
                    "id": "xlabel",
                    "text":"My new label",