I have the following codeblock:
var r = this.collections.competitions.Find(filter)
.Project(x => x.TeamRanks)
.Project(t => t.Logo)
I have this Competition
collection which have 3 fields
Class Competition {
public ObjectId _Id;
public string Logo;
public List<string> TeamRanks
The filter here is on the Competition._Id
I want to get the Logo AND the first 5 ranked teams in a Rank ascending order.(Which are given by the count
The list might be huge so I want to use Project here (or an alternative solution with Fields) but it can't seem to work.
is of type string
which is the second Project
and ignoring the TeamRanks.
2. How can I only get the top 5 ranked teams in an ascending order?
I just now noticed that the entire sort, skip and limit are done on the competition, I want it to be applied on the TeamRanks of course. So if, for example, the method receives count = 7 and some competitionId, the method need to return the competition with the provided id and inside it the top 7 teams ordered..
ObjectId _idFilter = new ObjectId();//you set your _Id filter to whatever you need
Competition _theCompetition = await __db.GetCollection<Competition>("Competiton")
.Find(Builders<Competition>.Filter.Eq("_Id", _idFilter)).SingleAsync();
int _count = 5; //your chosen count
List<string> _orderedList = _theCompetition.TeamRanks
.OrderBy(teamRank => teamRank).Take(_count).ToList();
Below is the code that gets the first five elements of the TeamRanks array in the returned document
var __projection = Builders<Competition>.Projection;
var _theCompetition = await __db.GetCollection<Competition>("Competiton")
.Find(Builders<Competition>.Filter.Eq("_id", _idFilter))
.Project(__projection.Include(x=>x.Logo).Include(x=>x.TeamRanks).Slice("TeamRanks", 5))