I'm stuck writing a JXA script using Apple's Script Editor. Essentially, I want to go through my inbox folder and move messages older than 44 days to an archive folder. I'm able to find the account, and my inbox and archive "mailboxes", but I can't for the life of me figure out how to move the darn message to a new mailbox.
Here's what I have so far:
var staleTime = 44;
var countMessages = 0;
var Mail = new Application("Mail")
var accounts = Mail.accounts();
var account;
var found = false;
for (i = 0; i < accounts.length && !found; ++i) {
if (accounts[i].name().indexOf("xchange") > -1) {
account = accounts[i];
found = true;
var mailboxes = account.mailboxes();
var inbox;
var archive;
for (i = 0; i < mailboxes.length; ++i) {
if(mailboxes[i].name().indexOf("nbox") > -1) {
inbox = mailboxes[i];
if(mailboxes[i].name().indexOf("rchive") > -1 &&
mailboxes[i].name().indexOf("CDE") == -1) {
archive = mailboxes[i];
// console.log("mailbox name is: " + inbox.name());
var messages = m inbox.messages();
var fortyFourDaysAgo = new Date();
fortyFourDaysAgo.setDate(fortyFourDaysAgo.getDate() - staleTime);
for (i = 0; i < messages.length; ++i) {
var dateSent = messages[i].dateSent();
if(dateSent < fortyFourDaysAgo) {
// now what???
I can see in the dictionary help in script editor that the Message object has a mailbox property, but none of the following seem to work:
messages[i].mailbox = archive;
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Asked the question over on the Apple Discussion Board and got an answer.
Essentially, replace
// now what???
... with ...
Mail.move(messages[i], {to: archive});
Actually, the post over there had a more succinct way of doing it, but the above works too.