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Object.defineProperty Error

I have to find an equivalent code to :

Object.defineProperty(object, sProperty, vValue); 

because i'm working with an old js interpreter which doesn't support ECMA Javascript5, so i'm trying to switch to this code :

  object["get "+ sProperty] = vValue.get;
  object["set " + sProperty] = vValue.set;

but it doesn't work. PS : my vValue is : vValue


  • Assuming vValue is of the form value: x, then

    function myDefineProperty(object, sProperty, vValue) {
      object[sProperty] = vValue.value;

    If vValue is a property descriptor including get and set, then you could experiment with using __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__ if they are available in your environment:

    function myDefineProperty(object, sProperty, vValue) {
      object.__defineGetter__(sProperty, vValue.get);          
      object.__defineSetter__(sProperty, vValue.set);

    For a more full-featured implementation, see the polyfill at