I've set up a Leaflet map using the fabulous Proj4Leaflet plugin. Within my map I'm using a custom reference system (EPSG:28533). The map tiles (WMTSCapabilities) are fetched and rendered. But I have encountered that the tiles are transformed to the wrong location. The offset is approximately +9° lat and +7° lng. I expect, that I've set the wrong origin
within the definition of the reference system (fiddle).
var rs25832 = new L.Proj.CRS(
'+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs', {
origin: [
// I suppose the error is here!
resolutions: [
// TileMatrixScaleDenominator * OGC_PixelWidth
17471320.7509 * 0.00028,
8735660.37545 * 0.00028,
4367830.18772 * 0.00028,
2183915.09386 * 0.00028,
1091957.54693 * 0.00028,
545978.773466 * 0.00028,
272989.386733 * 0.00028,
136494.693366 * 0.00028,
68247.3466832 * 0.00028,
34123.6733416 * 0.00028,
17061.8366708 * 0.00028,
8530.9183354 * 0.00028,
4265.4591677 * 0.00028,
2132.72958385 * 0.00028
var url = 'http://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/wmts_webatlasde/tile/1.0.0/webatlasde/default/DE_EPSG_25832_ADV/{z}/{y}/{x}.png';
var layer = L.tileLayer(url, {
maxZoom: rs25832.options.resolutions.length,
continuousWorld: true
var map = L.map('map', {
crs: rs25832,
center: [ 50.5881112, 7.2676084 ],
zoom: 0,
maxZoom: rs25832.options.resolutions.length,
layers: [ layer ]
map.on('click', function(e) {
alert('lat: ' + e.latlng.lat + ' lng: ' + e.latlng.lng)
As far as I understood the origin
setting it defines the upper left corner of the projected bounds of the refernce system. According to the spatialreference.org definition the bounds of this specific reference system are:
265948.8191, 6421521.2254, 677786.3629, 7288831.7014
Am I using the wrong approach to determine the CRS origin
I've solved the issue! The problem was as expected the dermination approach of the origin
property. I'd thought the origin
of the reference system was supposed to equal the top left point of the projected bounds of the reference system. But I was wrong. The correct approach is to use the top left corner of the layers BBox. Based on the WMTSCapabilities of the server I was abled to calculate the projected origin
using proj4js. Here is my updated code (fiddle):
// Proj4js EPSG:25832 definition
var proj4rs25832def = '+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs';
// Calc origin
var orign = proj4(
// Upper left corner of the tile orign based on the WMTSCapabilities layer BBox
[ 0.105946948013, 56.8478734515 ]
// Set resolutions
var resolutions = [ 17471320.7509, 8735660.37545, 4367830.18772, 2183915.09386, 1091957.54693, 545978.773466, 272989.386733, 136494.693366, 68247.3466832, 34123.6733416, 17061.8366708, 8530.9183354, 4265.4591677, 2132.72958385 ];
// Define CRS
var rs25832 = new L.Proj.CRS(
origin: [ orign[0], orign[1] ],
resolutions: resolutions.map(function (value) {
return value * 0.00028;
// Create layer
var url = 'http://sg.geodatenzentrum.de/wmts_webatlasde/tile/1.0.0/webatlasde/default/DE_EPSG_25832_ADV/{z}/{y}/{x}.png';
var layer = L.tileLayer(
continuousWorld: true,
bounds: [[ 45.2375, 0.1059 ],[ 56.8478, 20.4488 ]],
maxZoom: resolutions.length
// Setup map
var map = L.map('map', {
crs: rs25832,
center: [ 50.8805, 7.3389 ],
zoom: 0,
maxZoom: resolutions.length,
layers: [ layer ]
// Setup click hander
map.on('click', function(e) {
alert('lat: ' + e.latlng.lat + ' lng: ' + e.latlng.lng);